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How do I know if my event requires a permit?
The best place to start is by referring to section 4.1 in the Use of University Space policy. While this is a non-exhaustive list, it should point you in the right direction. If you’re still questioning whether or not your event needs a permit, please call Business Affairs at (352) 392-1336 or email us at ufba-events@ufl.edu.
How far in advance do I need to request a permit?
Ideally requests should be submitted as early in the planning process as possible. At the latest, we request events that require a risk review be submitted 30 business days in advance of the proposed event date and 15 business days for all others. Requests submitted after these time frames are not guaranteed to be approved.
How do I check the status of my permit?
Login to GatorConnect. Hover over your name in the top right corner and select “My Submissions” from the drop-down menu. Select the tab “My Permits” and choose the permit # you’re inquiring about. From there you can check the status of your permit and under “Notes” you can view messages sent to you and respond through the text box.
How long does it take to have my event approved?
It depends on several factors including how far in advance your event permit was submitted, the complexity of the event, if you’re requesting exceptions to policies, etc. The UF Police Department, Environmental Health & Safety, and other campus partners are part of the review process to ensure the safety of attendees and to assist you in hosting a successful event. Due to the volume of permits we receive they are prioritized by date of event.
My event is coming up and my permit is still not approved, I need to start advertising, what do I do?
In most cases, the applicant is notified within a week of submitting the application if the permit is denied. It’s extremely rare for a UF department to receive a denial on an event permit. It’s our goal in Business Affairs to approve events, making minor adjustments as needed to ensure the policies are complied with. Feel free to move forward with your planning and booking vendors, but if in doubt you may contact us in Business Affairs at (352) 392-1336 or email us at ufba-events@ufl.edu.
My event is UF hosted and paid for, but it’s off campus, do I still need a permit?
No, event permitting is only for events occurring on University-owned, -occupied, or -controlled lands and buildings within the State of Florida.
I have determined my on-campus event doesn’t need an event permit, is there anything else I need to do?
Yes, even if your event does not require an event permit, all UF regulations and policies still apply to your event. Please ensure you have permission to use the space, are using a UF Approved Caterer, contact Work Management for custodial or grounds services, received a tent permit from EH&S if your tent exceeds 120 square feet. Keep in mind this is a non-exhaustive list. If you have questions, please call Business Affairs at (352) 392-1336 or email us at ufba-events@ufl.edu.
Does submitting a permit also reserve the space?
No, it is your responsibility to contact the department responsible for managing the space you wish to use. You will be required through the event permitting process to provide proof you have permission to use the space.
Our UF department has invited a non-UF group to host an event in our space on campus. Is this allowed?
No, this is considered fronting, a violation of the Fronting policy. The non-UF group is considered a Select User in which only available Select Space may be reserved. However, a UF department may host the event, per the guidelines in the Fronting Policy, and allow the Select User to co-host. All UF regulations and policies are applicable.
Our UF department wants to support a non-UF group hosting an event in Select Space, but we don’t want to co-host with them even though we will have UF faculty, staff and students in attendance. Since we want them here, can we pay for the event space and sign the contract with the venue?
No, this is considered fronting and in violation of the Fronting policy. Additionally, since the UF department is signing the contract with the venue, the UF department would ultimately be responsible for any damage and fees incurred by the Select User, caterers and other vendors hired and any additional custodial fees.
What’s the process for tabling or hosting an event in The Plaza of the Americas?
It’s a two-step process for Primary Users, except for RSOs.
- Reserve the Space:
- Visit https://eventservices.ufsa.ufl.edu/
- Select the orange “Reservation Request” in the upper right hand corner and follow the appropriate prompts
- Please email the Office of Event Services with questions at eventservices@ufsa.ufl.edu
- Submit a request for a permit through GatorConnect.
What are my event catering options on campus?
Palm & Pine Catering is UF’s on campus catering solution available for both large and intimate events. Depending on the location of your event, you may also choose a current UF Approved Caterer. For more information on rules around catering on campus, please visit the Food and Beverage Services policy.
What’s the difference between a UF Approved Caterer and an approved vendor/supplier?
In order for a caterer to do business at UF, they must apply to be both an approved vendor/supplier through Procurement and a UF Approved Caterer through Business Services. Even if a caterer is able to supply you with their UF Vendor ID, unless they are also a current UF Approved Caterer, they may not cater on University property.
Can I have a food truck (mobile food facility) at my event?
Yes, so long as they meet the requirements listed in the Food and Beverage Services policy. You must seek a permit through GatorConnect for all food trucks on campus. As a friendly reminder, food trucks cannot be the event, in other words, no food truck rally’s or requests to have food trucks just because they’re great. Food trucks may be approved in pre-approved locations and paid for up-front (i.e. no cash sales) in the same manner you would hire a caterer to support your event on campus.
Why does my department need to make a list of food at our office pot-luck?
When a University department meets the requirements listed in the Food and Beverage Service policy for hosting a self-catered event, a Self-Catered Event Form is required to be completed and retained by the department for 10 calendar days. The University has an agreement with the Florida Department of Health to produce the list of food catered in the event there is a complaint or case of food borne illness.
We’re having alcohol at our event on University property, who can serve alcohol at our event?
Only Palm & Pine Catering or another UF Approved Caterer approved for alcohol service may serve alcohol at your event. However, on an infrequent basis, University employees may serve at department events on University property provided they meet the requirements listed in the Alcoholic Beverages policy.
I’m a UF employee tasked with serving alcohol at our department event, why do I need alcohol server training and what do I need to know?
Ideally University departments should be hiring a UF Approved caterer transfer the liability off the University. For events approved to have University employees serve, alcohol server training is required as an added step to further protect event attendees, the designated server and the University. The University department hosting the event is responsible for the fee of the online course to become certified. Certification can be obtained through completing the On Premise e-TIPS course ($40/per person, 3-4 hour to complete & valid for 4 years) or TEAM COALITION.
Our event with alcohol is outdoors, is that allowed?
No, the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in outdoor areas of University property. The two exceptions are when it’s associated with tailgating at certain scheduled UAA games or when the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee has granted an exception when the event host can provide a controlled environment (e.g. tents and fencing) along with proper supervision.
Are we required to hire security for our on-campus event?
The UF Police Department reserves the right to require officers at any event at the expense of the event host. For more information and rates review the UPD Security Costs.
Our department wants to host an event with therapy animals, is this allowed?
No, animals are prohibited in buildings and from participating in events on University property with the exception of: service animals, animals used for law enforcement purposes and for animals used in direct support of the University’s research and teaching mission. Therapy animals do not qualify for an exception.
Does my tent need a permit?
If your tent is 120 sq. feet or larger then yes, you need to apply for a tent permit (a.k.a. temporary structure permit) through Environmental Health & Safety. This includes tents that your department owns and uses regularly. It’s imperative that a qualified EH&S employee approves the set-up each time for the safety everyone. For more information and the fee schedule, visit Temporary Structures on Campus – including tents.
We’re hiring various vendors (e.g. bounce houses, photographer, dj, etc.) to enhance our event, is there anything I should know?
All vendors/suppliers doing business with the University must be properly insured and complete the vendor/supplier process managed by UF Procurement Services. This includes providing a Certificate of Insurance (COI) which names the UF Board of Trustees as an additional insured on the policy. For more info go here.