Use of University Space
Who can use University Space?
Regulation 2.004 governs all University space. Business Affairs Use of University Space Policy creates two categories of space users.
PRIMARY USERS are the entities typically tied to the University’s educational and research mission. Primary Users include:
- Any University-recognized and officially constituted college, school, department, division, institute, center, office, or other University organizational unit
- Any University employee, except part-time student workers, when performing functions within the scope of their employment
- Any Registered Student Organization (RSO) when utilizing Space solely to conduct activities related to the RSO’s stated mission or purpose
- Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. and any University Health Science Center Affiliate, and their respective employees when performing functions within the scope of their employment
- Any University-certified direct-support organization (DSO) and their employees when performing functions within the scope of their employment
SELECT USERS include any individuals or groups who are not Primary Users, such as:
- Non-registered student organizations
- Individual students
- Employees using space for non-work related reasons, such as personal events and fundraisers
- Governmental entities
- General public
- Not-for-profit organizations not owned or operated by the University
- Commercial entities
What Space is available to me?
Business Affairs Use of University Space Policy creates three broad categories of University space.
- University buildings and other facilities used primarily for academic purposes, such as:
- Classrooms
- Auditoriums
- Laboratories
- Faculty offices
- Galleries and studio spaces
- Lobbies and other common areas
- University buildings and other facilities that further the University’s academic mission, such as:
- Libraries
- Study areas
- Medical centers
- Clinical facilities
- Hospitals
- University buildings and other facilities used primarily for administrative purposes, such as:
- Employee offices
- Conference rooms and other meeting spaces
- Lobbies and other common areas
- Outdoor space on campus that is being used for academic purposes, including outdoor areas adjacent to academic buildings and other facilities when the proposed outdoor use would interfere with the University’s use of such buildings and facilities
- Outdoor space the University has designated as Primary Outdoor Space that is available for reservation and use by Primary Users only. Examples of Primary Outdoor Spaces include:
- J. Wayne Reitz Union outdoor areas:
- Amphitheatre
- Covered area outside of the north entry doors
- North terrace
- North terrace stage
- North lawn
- Plaza of the Americas
- Turlington Plaza
- Newell Hall outdoor areas
- Ben Hill Griffin Stadium north lawn (area controlled by the University)
- J. Wayne Reitz Union outdoor areas:
Only PRIMARY USERS can reserve and use PRIMARY SPACES.
- Austin Cary Forest Campus
- Emerson Alumni Hall
- Florida Museum of Natural History
- Harn Museum of Art
- J. Wayne Reitz Union
- Recreational Sports facilities
- Stephen C. O’Connell Center
- Straughn Professional Development Center
- University Athletic Association facilities
- UF Historic St. Augustine
- UF Performing Arts Venues:
- Curtis M. Phillips Center for Performing Arts
- University Auditorium
- Baughman Center
University space, including General Outdoor Areas, shall not be utilized for commercial activities unless the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee grants written approval prior to such use.